理想的前端面試前陣子剛換完工作,默默地深耕前端已經 7.8 年第五份工作,由於自己也是一直有在擔任面試官(默默地又要開始擔任了,有人想跟我當同事嗎哈),對於面試方式心有戚戚焉,來做個心得分享。Aug 16, 2021Aug 16, 2021
身為一個前(後)端工程師需要具備什麼樣的特質?資訊產業, 這個產業主要是以網路服務舉凡網站, app 為主. 有以接案為主的公司(幫人架設官網, 活動網站..etc.), 有做自己產品的公司(ex: facebook, instagram 做自己的服務..etc.) 而這個產業中充滿工作機會與大量湧入人潮的工程師…Oct 30, 20201Oct 30, 20201
前端領域-前端工程師雜談關於整個前端生態,其實是有一些分別的。像是遊戲類型,視覺互動類型,javascript工程師,wordpress類型等等..etc。今天要來講的是關於工程類型的前端工程師(不然怎麼叫作前端“工程”師)Jul 27, 2019Jul 27, 2019
Published inITNEXTVue — Deep dive to build a vue app experienceIn the past more year, Vue has upgraded from 1 to 2, vue-cli became more and more powerful and Vue announced changed vue-resource to…Feb 9, 20181Feb 9, 20181
vue add event — don’t forget to remove your eventThere are some situation when we use vue to develop our app:Jun 14, 2017Jun 14, 2017
About Naming Rule -Front-endI always think about what is the best way about naming. You can name what you want in your side project. You may remember what you name…May 12, 2017May 12, 2017
Vue 2 props and emit - parent to childComponents communication — props and $emitFeb 15, 20176Feb 15, 20176